American Story

a Lifetime Search for Ordinary People

Doing Extraordinary Things 

Help maintain the American Story archive at Syracuse University. I’m donating the proceeds of my New York Times Best Selling book to keep the storytelling flame burning. The Perfect gift for someone who needs a lift.  (Don’t we all?)  Stories of seemingly ordinary people who have found solutions to problems we all face.  A book about the best of us. 

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Recently Posted American Stories

Lost City of Cecil B. Demille

Lost City of Cecil B. Demille

Oscar night. Time for little known Hollywood history. Amateur archeologists have uncovered a lost Egyptian city. Not on the Nile. Beneath the sands of coastal California. It was buried by that Pharaoh of films, Hollywood Director Cecil B. DeMille.

Singalong Sound of Music

The Sound of Music movie was re-released with a twist. The audience showed up in costumes and was encouraged to sing along. I did. Want to see?

Yellowstone National Park in Winter

150th celebration Yellowstone National Park. It does not give up winter easily. The geysers cough and crackle and keep their warmth inside. Old Faithful is the first to break its glass jail. Splashing in the sun like a ghost train in the Rockies. Warm rivers are the only winter fire. Snow the only blanket. Animals who survive are as stubborn as the land itself. Bison have passed through the ice and the pain, standing dark and still, trembling in the wind. Trumpeter swans preen and float. The plain begin to look beautiful. Swirling through snow on currents of ice, they spin free. The Aspens are crystal. The pines are glass. An iridescent bone yard, waiting for the world to thaw.


“These are remarkable and poignant stories that need to be told.”



“Those of us who know and work with Bob Dotson stand in awe of his gifts as a writer.  Like the work so many viewers have come to love on NBC, this collection of stories captivates and inspires.”



“Throughout his remarkable career Bob Dotson has searched for the real essence of America – not by interviewing the so-called famous but by seeking out those unnoticed people we pass by every day.  Dotson is a national treasure for caring enough to listen.”


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