Santa’s Toy Workshop

Remember the first time you sat on Santa’s lap?  It was perhaps the most important speech of your life.  Blow it here, you could end up with a sweater.  We visited a unique toy workshop.  For 35 years, volunteers have met once a week in an old...

Joyful Noise

Folks in Boldon, Georgia proudly call their town, “the Briar Patch.”  Like Brer’ Fox, they outwitted  hard times, terror and indifference to bring us a Christmas Carol unique in all the world.  It is called “the shout” an...


 The heart is the ultimate muscle.  It can lift a heavy burden and make life easier.  Those who meet Amy Wall notice her heart first.   She was born deaf, the nerves in her ears, incurably damaged. “You can’t rebuild that inner ear,” her doctor,...