Rockin’ Recliners

Slim and Zella Mae Cox have the most listened to furniture store in the country.  Some people do come to buy furniture, of course, but if you want a sofa on Saturday afternoon, you’ve got to carry out the audience that’s sitting on it. ...

D.C. Samaritan

There is a side of Washington, DC, we seldom see on Nightly News.  It is far removed from the ruffles and flourishes of the Nation’s Capitol.  Here, survival is no global affair.  Calvin Woodland’s business is begging.  For decades, he hustled...

An Image to Show They Lived

Most everywhere you go out west, you find that a photographer has been there before.  People didn’t always care where they’d end up, but they wanted the folks  back home to see they had arrived.  Glenn Altman has been taking their portraits...

Found Art

Think of what you drive by every day and don’t see.  Douglas Geiss notices more than most.  He and his cousins live in a five acre forest filled with wonder.  They found a mermaid riding a yellow submarine.  And a fish made out of pick axes. ...