Glass Harp

When the Renaissance Players perform in Miami, Jay Brown tunes up with a turkey baster, and in just a few minutes people hear him play Mozart on 47 brandy snifters filled with water. It’s no gimmick.  Jay Brown’s instrument was once more popular than the...

Pearl Harbor Internment Camp

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, saw a sunrise of fire. And the memory still burns. Its sizzling seas sent the United States into World War II.  Before the day bled away, 110-thousand people were arrested in America for what another country did. Most looked like the...

Crack House Cops

Elsie Calloway found a drug pusher selling cocaine in her basement.  Police closed nearby crack houses, but addicts always came back, until the cops tried something different.  Patrolman James Jones now lives in the house he once raided.  Columbia,...

East Meets West

This isn’t my first rodeo.  In 1981 I put on cowboy boots to find Christine Gulich.  Didn’t need them.  She lived in a small town south of Boston.  Christine was a book keeper in Abington, Massachusetts, at the time.  The only thing that says...

Kid Billionaire

Jared Issacman became a billionaire before he could drive.  He as so young, he hired his dad to wine and dine clients.  His mom worked for him too.  Issacman used some of his money to pilot  Elon Musk’s all-civilian mission to the edge of the...