Singalong Sound of Music

The Sound of Music movie was re-released with a twist.  The audience showed up in costumes and was encouraged to sing along.  I did.  Want to see? Share...

Until It’s Not Here No More

 150 years ago, the plains Indians of Oklahoma were refugees of war.  The tattered remains of once proud tribes who had become foreigners in their own land. Practically overnight, they were faced with a new language, new religion and a new way of life. ...

Babies Behind Bars

Pete Weststein used to live in a place of blue distances, tending his dairy herd.  It is now a valley of prisons.  Four of them, nudging aside the cows and the quiet.  His wife Frieda is raising her family next to those prisons.  She wondered, what...

So Cold, Spit Bounces

 There is still a little frontier in all of us.  Something that urges us out beyond the limits of our settled lives. Diana Moroney shrugs off the world she lives in to find her heart in another. She races a team of sled dogs 11-hundred miles from Anchorage...