Photographer for Life

Milton Rogovin grew old watching his neighborhood grow up, sharing the yearbook of their lives.  He was still photographing them at age 100, surrounded by friends who were now taking his picture — the “forgotten ones,” who did not forget him. Share...

Home Plate Wedding

Some folks do not see limits, only opportunities.  Ed Lucas decided he wanted to broadcast baseball games, after watching the first nationally televised playoff. He ran outside to celebrate his decision.  The twelve year old fired a fastball to a boyfriend...

Planting Poems

 In 1915, Robert Frost brought his wife and four children to a small farm in the White Mountains of New Hampshire.  He was a terrible farmer.  He used to milk the cows at midnight, so he could sleep late.  Townsfolk figured he’d be on their welfare...

Forget Me Not

Steven White tried for decades to save a small island for someone he’d never met.  Waves were slowly whittling it away. He told me the tale as we chopped through the water in a tiny boat on Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay.  “Holland Island once held sixty...

Love in the Kitchen

A caring heart is as good a measure as any, when you try to evaluate success.   World-class Chef Scott Peacock once told me, “It’s always the most important ingredient.” He was lifting a cake out of the oven.  Turned and dropped it on the kitchen...

Midnight Basketball

My grandfather’s basketball coach was James Naismith, the man who invented the sport. In those days the Founding Father had not yet punched a hole in the bottom of the peach basket that was used instead of a net. “Coach,” grandpa said, “this game would be a whole lot...