Lady Eye

Virginia Snyder looks like the little old lady Boy Scouts help across the street.  You can’t always tell a book by its cover.  Same with people.  At retirement age, Virginia opened her own detective agency.  With no prior police training, she...

Girls of Winter

When Ethel Lehmann was young, she was never more than a pebble kick from a ball park.  She quit to have 5 kids.  Now, she’s the first woman to try out for the Kids and Kubs, a team whose rookies are 75. Share...

Eagle Flight

Forty percent of the kids in this Newark, New Jersey neighborhood did  not finish high school back in the 1980’s. Russell White changed that back in the 1980’s.  He made thousands of street kids a startling offer.  Learn to fly an air plane.  For...

Forest Folks

The Hoh rain forest.  A cathedral of trees.  It lies between Seattle and the sea.  No place in the continental U.S. gets more rain.  2 feet some months.  Marilyn Lewis and her daughter lived alone in this wilderness.  They are the 4th...

Wetsuit CEO

 A new way to bond with your boss.  Forget golf.  Go surfing.  Out in San Diego, opportunity comes in waves.  More than 300 biomedical companies now have people in that surf around San Diego.  The best ideas don’t always come in labs...

Everglades Photographer

Clyde Butcher lives in a wide river of grass.  He is determined to save its beauty.  One photograph at a time.  Butcher is as comfortable in this swamp as any man easing into a bath.  He spends his days deep in the Big Cyprus National Preserve...