Diamond Tooth Mary

Mary Smith McClain is torn between what she loves and what she feels is right.  For most of her life she was known as Diamond Tooth Mary, a dazzling blues singer who performed on star studded bills with Duke Ellington and Nate King Cole.  She turned her back...

Odyssey of Words

Professor Doug Brinkley was worried that his students had never seen skyscrapers made of ice. Never known a silent world.  Never traveled much at all.  Not even in books.  He loaded 27 students into a bus and drove from Hofstra University in New York to Denali...

Wannabe Movie Pirate

To all of us who grew up watching pirate movies, this place is kind of special.  Blackbeard had a home just off of Main Street.  There were more parrots and eye patches on these wharves than on the movie backlot.  In 1981 they came back.  Russ...

Teen is her mom’s boss

Jasmine Lawrence is living every kid’s dream. She gets to boss her mom. April Lawrence works for her 16 year old daughter.  How’s that working out? It began with a bad hair day. The chemicals Jazzman used to relax her curls left her practically bald. She decided...

Last Roll

Think what it must have been like.  A time when only the rich could show the world images of themselves  in color. The rest of us were frozen in black and white until 1935.  That’s when Kodak produced a film so iconic, Utah named a state park after...