Last Roll

Think what it must have been like.  A time when only the rich could show the world images of themselves  in color. The rest of us were frozen in black and white until 1935.  That’s when Kodak produced a film so iconic, Utah named a state park after...

Longest School Trip

If you could take Alaska and lay it over the lower 48 states, one side would touch Florida, the other California.   It’s distances are so vast, travel budgets for high school sports teams can run 100-thousand dollars a year.  Arch rivals often live a...

Soul Circuit Rodeo

June 19th. This was the date great, great, grand daddies used to mark the calendar of their lives. In  1865 folks gathered to hear a general who came to tell Texas what the rest of the world already knew.  Black Americans were now free.  They called it...