That Last Howard Johnson’s

his a month of memories.  I remember a time when summer was served in 28 flavors.  Howard Johnson’s ice cream was every where.  When I was a kid, the brand was as well known as Coca Cola.  I had my last taste in the state where it began.  The...

Simpler Sign Language

A 21 year old graduating senior at the University of Virginia has developed a simpler sign language for autistic children and stroke victims, helping some to communicate for the very first time. Micki Cassagne brings life to children crouching in the darkness of their...

Saying NO to Money

West Texas has one of the most sparsely populated counties in the country, 647 square miles of nothing but sagebrush, rattlesnakes and sand.  It has one town.  Only 110 people live there.  So few, the mayor bought something unusual to let them sleep...