Worst Weather in America

Who gets the roughest weather in America? The place looks looks gentle. Like a smiling stranger with an offer of candy. But, more than a hundred people have died there. Winter can come in any month.  One day in three, hurricane force winds slap the...

Hiding for Half a Century

When Private D.B. Benson decided to hide out from World War Two, he was able to disappear completely for 36 years. Benson slipped into the Kiamichi Wilderness in 1943, after a sergeant told him to go home because he could not read.  He thought he was being...

Smoke and Steel

Some holiday gifts for you this week.  Today, one my first films.  It WAS shot on film.   An investigative documentary about high rise fires. We not only uncovers problems, but offer a solution, a theme my stories would follow throughout my...

Face of God

Deborah Evans looks to God for help.  She says, He told her to look a little closer to home.  She believes a teacher in Fayetteville, North Carolina. is the closet she’s come to the face of God.   Share...