The Man Who Found the Red Baron

Gurd Heindrich lives in the powdery landscape of memory.  All the roses of his dreams scattered about.  He was one of the world’s great naturalists, a World War One German flying ace, who later lost his home in Poland to the Communists and for a time was as...

See Yourself as Others See You

H. Lee Waters didn’t set out to preserve history.  He was simply looking for a way to survive.  People couldn’t afford his portraits during the Great Depression, so he picked up a film camera, taught himself to you use it and persuaded theater owners to show...

Buffalo Soldiers

A prison without bars.  Juvenile delinquents, inner city kids, have been set out on the high Sonoran dessert to see if it might break their pattern of crime. Faced with jail, they were offered a choice.  They could join this unusual legion and commit...