Corporate Daycare Begins

Since World War Two, the way to success for most Americans was to hop on that corporate wagon train, moving their families from city to city, following the economic frontier. That kind of life has taken a toll on the American family.  Torn from the...

Modern Farming

Gary Young farms 320 acres.  Not big by Nebraska standards, but on that land he is raising 30 cows and 6 daughters.  That can make a man watch his pennies.  He built a solar panel to dry his harvest for 2 cents a bushel instead of the 15 cents his...

A Farm Family Hangs on

The disintegration of the family farm is an old song.  20-thousand were auctioned or abandoned in just four years.  There were so many family farms on the market in 1985, they gutted the value of those that remained.  Marty Kleinschmidt survived by...

Tintern Abbey

It seems of another time.  Another place.  A Medieval monastery rising out of the Nebraska prairie.  It was built by a priest who wants to begin the first new order of Catholic monks in this country.  Father Clifford Stevens has opened an abbey...

Most Accurate Weather Station

Farmers are so tied to the seasons, they have developed a wealth of weather lore that dates back 4-thousand years.  To get the temperature, they learned to count the cricket chirps. To get the forecast, they watched the insects.  Ducks quacking called for...