Helping Artists Survive

The beauty of this rare land masks how difficult life can be out here.  The Painted Dessert is chiseled by wind.  The sun leaves creek beds peeling.  In this barren place, Loren Phillips seems compelled to enhance life to add a beauty of his own. ...

Rodeo Doc

Dr. James Allen is his own best patient.  He’s had more broken bones than a bucket full of chicken at a Baptist picnic.  30.  He’s also dislocated both of his shoulders. Fractured his spine and collar bone, while competing in the National Calf Roping...

John Henry

They say, if you listen quietly, up on Big Bend Mountain, you can still hear him hammering.  Old John Henry’s ghost fighting progress with his big, broad arm.  Legend has it that John Henry fought his famous battle with the steam drill near here, man against...

3 year old photographer

Elizabeth and Bob Williams bought their son Robert a toy camera.  He preferred his dad’s.  Robert’s father was a freelance photographer.  He started submitting Robert’s pictures with his own.  Time and again, Robert’s pictures were the ones that...