Lives Lost

Four little girls were murdered in an Arkansas school yard.  The tragic event had been updated for days.  I thought it was time to remind viewers that there was more to this tale.  Looking at a school year book one day, gave me an idea:  Our...

Cave Rescue

“Shadows chase shadows. Now and then a whisper of sliding rope. The anxious, uneven breathing of 60 people lugging one of their own to safety.”  I keep an Ideas notebook.  When something prompts an idea, I type it into my cellphone.  These thoughts may...

Marine Minister

Sailors labor on gliding high rises.  Freighters are run by fewer than two dozen people.  They may stop at half a hundred ports and never go ashore.  For them, Boston harbor is some place special.  Wally Cedarling lives here.  He is a minister who has no church.  Each...