A Bank Close to the Clouds

Hinsdale County, Colorado is up close to the clouds where sun and snow interchange and know no seasons.  621-thousand square miles, a mile and a half high.  It is one of the largest, least populated counties in the country.  Only 400 people live here.  But this day,...

Trespassing on their own land

Carrie Dann lives out where clouds leave only shadows on the earth.  Her people remember bone gray better than rainbows.  But they have clung to that land for tens of thousands of years.  Now the federal government says they are trespassing.   Share...

Mississippi River Essay

The Mississippi River meanders down the spine of America.  Stretched straight, it would spread from New York City to Los Angeles.  But it winds back on itself in great chocolate loops.  Mae West was right.  “The loveliest distance between two points is a curved...

Fight for a Homeland

Maurice Gordon can still hear the muffled crack of dry thunder.  The memories of war.  He joined 10-thousand other Americans and headed to the land of the Pharaoh’s.  They formed a Jewish Legion, the first in nearly 2-thousand years to fight for a homeland.  Share...