A New Kind of Suburb

Beverly Bickle moved to the suburbs so she could have more time with her family.  Trouble is, more than half of us were already there.  Suburban roads were so clogged before the pandemic, most of us spent 8 weeks a year, just to commute to work.  13...

The Good Guys Ride Bikes

All John Finello ever wanted was to ride a motorcycle. It carried him away from school in the 10th grade.  He never returned.  That free life John chased so loudly had some unexpected snares.  Heroin.  Cocaine.  And booze.  He started...

Bulldog’s Pickers

An aging group of friends moved to south Texas one winter because they didn’t like weather they had to lift.   The friends noticed that machines only harvested one vegetable at a time.  They missed a lot.   On one farm in the Rio Grande Valley, 6...

Unwed Fathers

Manny Cardona seeks out teenage fathers and leads them back to the families they created.  He gets their girlfriends medical attention.  Guides them off welfare.  And tries to keep them in school.   Cardona was once like them, an unwed teen father,...

Anti-smoking Tobacco Heir

In the 1980’s Americans started smoking fewer cigarettes for the first time since 1913, that’s when R.J. Reynolds took a picture of a circus camel and stuck it on the side of a pack.  Six years later, nearly half of the people in America who smoked cigarettes,...