Al Lee Gator

Some Americans were fighting crime with the only weapon they had. Fear. Then, they turned to television. Police departments across the country began reenacting crimes, broadcasting them to gather information and help solve the problem. Crime Watch was an electronic...

A Journey into the Unknown

67-hundred Japanese companies operate in the United States.  More than 40-thousand families have moved here. It is pioneer journey that covers more than miles.  They will live in a world which to them is both exotic and enticing.  When different cultures manage to...

A little Scary

Eric Gray worked nights as a flight attendant, so he could take pharmacy classes by day.  His family pitched in to keep him in college.  Five of them lived on $22-thousand dollars a year.  Eric faced a hard choice.  Get insurance or eat.  The...

Job Saver

Jack Copley saw cutbacks coming.  That was his job, reviewing budgets for a telephone company. There were 53-hundred empty desks around him.  He figured his work, too, might disappear.  One thing he had learned.  Not to be a victim.  Copley...